Saturday, August 1, 2009

a sign or a free mojito

Perhaps it was divine intervention, perhaps it was a test in determination.

At 5:30 this morninga sideways turd "breached security" at La Guardia Airport.  The airport reacted the way they are supposed to in this day and age and shut down my airline's terminal. But of course, it took until the whole flight had boarded and buckled up for the news to reach the pilot at 7:50 or so, when he got on the intercom and informed us that the flight was cancelled. Get off the plane. That's it.

I sat in my seat thinking, "does this mean I should have taken the job at MAST?" 

The airline reps ushered a bunch of frustrated passengers (many of whom had overseas or cruise connections in New York) to the service desk (conveniently located next to the bar).

I struck up a conversation with a nice couple in line behind me. The gentlemen hypothesized that it was actually his own karma which had cancelled our flight--apparently he has the worst luck flying, last week his flight was delayed three hours. We shared a few chuckles and thought of different ways our airline could make up for the inconvenience. I said, at least a free drink in the Admiral's Lounge. He thought perhaps since there were only two agents behind the service desk, the airline could spare another agent to pass a tray of complimentary Mojitos through the long line. Either way, plying customers with a refreshing beverage would certainly make for a pleasant consumer experience. Take note, Apple.

La Guardia reopened the terminal not too long ago, and with that news, the airline managed to throw together a later flight. So I will be able to fly into New York (several hours later than I planned, but none the worse for wear), and I guess the terrorists have not won after all.

In the mean time, Miami International has been lobbying for the installation of slot machines to raise county(or is it city?) revenue. Local law prohibits slot machines unless they are located at a horse or dog track. Dave Barry has his own opinion on that. 

I'm still wondering if it was a sign from God, but for now I'll take the event as pure coincidence, or at least the nice gentleman's terrible record in commercial flight. That's enough of a gamble for me.


  1. Brette -

    That story reminds me of a time I flew into LGA many years ago...and I was then making my way to a retreat near Woodstock via a bus that I was picking up at the Port Authority. I was very nervous making my way to MIA...and almost didn't go b/c I sensed something was wrotng. But, my friend who took me said don't worry. The flight was fine....and I got into Manhattan without a problem...but I got to the Port Authority and it was closed down b/c of a bomb threat....that was many years before 9/11....but I made my way eventually to the was profoundly was my wait on the streets of NYC while I was waiting for the Port Authority to open so I could get my bus. Whatever I sensed at that moment in nerves before my plane took off was correct...I did sense something wrong...but it was not about me. Your move to NYC will be awesome....keep your eyes and heart open. If there are things that challenge, appreciate the experience...they are part of the ride.

    Second, you will also learn as I have on my monthly trips to LGA, that sometimes it may be faster to fly to Europe than NYC....there are always delays....especially for weather. Its part of the experience.....and being open to what the Universe provides....but for the delay, you would not have had the opportunity to write about the encounter with the Mojito Man. Karma is about how you live.... The Buddha taught there is no suffering when one stops clinging to that which one really can't cling to.

    Have a great great experience



  2. enjoying your posts. Like I said in email, I posted a comment and it disappeared. Alas, the sum of what I'd written is I'm proud of you and looking forward to hearing more of your adventure that has Be open as I know you will be. Opportunity can come as a surprise. You are opening the doors just by going North right! We just read an article in our local paper about the LaGuardia situation which prompted me to check the blog for any updates. Love you lots my dear--your NW crew

  3. Brette - as today's news shows, LGA can be a lot safer than MIA! Seriously, just glad the flight went smoothly and only delayed you about half a day.
