Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sensitive issues

Summer was about to slip quietly off the stage, here in NYC. But then the media pigeons spotted a story.

The Story.

There are plenty of words being flung about like steaks in a dog fight. (I think Jon Stewart has the choicest cuts, thankyew Is this an issue of religious freedom or of sensitivity to the victims of September 11?
I thought we were all the victims of September 11th's attack.
Granted this country was founded in the name of Puritanical freedom to burn witches and lofty business speculations--but c'mon now, after all these wars I think the general consensus is that might does not always equal right.

Whatever you believe, you'll have the right to believe it. But justice for all means justice for all, and that includes dissenting opinions.

In my opinion, those taking time to protest the "Ground Zero" Mosque---have you walked those city blocks? They are LONG!
might find that their time is better spent in local politics, local infrastructure and local education. At the VERY LEAST, their local movie theaters, watching

Oh. And in other amendment news:

Happy 90th anniversary of the 19th amendment.

Shoulder to shoulder into the fray!!

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